Self-Actualization is a Process by Moses Slater Hunter
Self-Actualization is a Process
not unlike mitosis. a small thing such as social underpinning, which sounds more like aggrandisement to the wildest imagination. any way a coin lands, someone has the winning hand; that is how war works. inside or not, a successful split from the past self to a future is folded to fit various educations. on matters such as misogyny and other irrationalities, elastic souls and plastic body parts travel a cautionary path, yellow and paved, accompanied by the shade of antithesis; a secret nobody has heard, yet copied and pasted into currency. stealing candy and thunder from multiple occasions, seasoned with time and turmeric, stairs begin to claim their own ascent. and watching, this progress waves itself goodbye,
washes itself down the drain, and sees me kindly out the back entrance.