Me and Me* by Roo Bardookie
*riff on Dave Mustaine’s “Hello me, meet the real me” lyric
I dedicate to the keeper of the middle school madhouse
Who in the hell gave this bitch the key to the cage to the little evil creature that lives inside and throws shit at the zoo goers?
How the hell did she pick the lock and expose the boy who had lot o’ nightmares?
Look out now, the paranoid white man, stuck on this island with my crazy Chinese wife and kid, with flying stars and karate chops, choppy stix and talk of the revolution, with Archie Bunker’s character’s soul as black as his neighbors’ skin, as black as any good old fashioned ignorant hate and mad lunatic ravings that diminish the soul
You let this raving, mad, blood diseased, deep jungle beast out, to chew noses and tear out true north looking eyeballs
Put ‘em back
Put ‘em back
Put ‘em back
Put ‘em back
Put ‘em back
He calls for a friend to fight or a mate to bait and plunge
I cry into the jungle, “get me back to the good me, the tick picking me, the one that goes through and methodically grooms his mate and other little monkey friends”
Because this crazy, crying, pointing at you and never me in the mirror little monkey man, has got to go
Put him back in the cage of my soul and let me put on my comfortable shoes, get a haircut, and say fake nicey nice things, while he rages away in the zoo of me
Roo Bardookie wrote it on her deserted, haunted island or the crazy cabin in Alaska, and I got out the monkey portrait from Jihane Mossalim’s art dungeon